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Showing posts from 2021


 I’ve been busy sewing this morning making my Russian doll and I can't wait to get it finish 

Massage chair

 I enjoyed some time in the massage chair 


 Lovely job I this rainy morning 😍

Out and about

I enjoyed getting some  fresh air and sun on monday 

Woodwork project

I have finally finished my project and I am happy with my work    


I painted my computer stand today, pink and green.  

Sensory board Project

 I have just finished  my sensory board and I am happy with my project  

PJ Party

I found some more photos of the pj party it was awesome   

Matariki Project

 I have just finish my Matariki art work and I am happy with it I will put the Maori names what the stars are 

Hot Pools

 What an amazing day! Nothing like going to the hot pools in winter! i

Finish Mosaic Project

  I have just finish my St Patrick mosaic I am happy with it 


Here I am dressing up in different costumes   

Art and Craft

 In art in Craft I have painted a canvas to look like the night sky and I am going to paint the seven sisters of Matariki 

Fun week

 Last week we had a fun week it was awesome. we had a Pj party the next day was the wearable arts and then personal care I would like  to share some photos what I have done. 

PJ fun Day!

 Today was our PJ day I wore my most beautiful PJ's, we played lots of silly games   

Last day of Culture studies



Here I am relaxing on the bean bag wearing Minnie Mouse ears  

Jewellery Making

I have made some beads looking good 

Girls Group

In girls group I had my hair done but I enjoy the different hairstyles like the Frangipani   

Garden Art

                              In garden art John and I bought up this idea is to get a tyre to paint it pink and I had to paint the tyre circles in gold it is looking good. 

Beach themed mindfulness

I am doing mindfulness and relaxing in the sensory room this is one of my goals   

Im in love with my hair

Last Wednesday Dee braided my hair for me I haven’t had my hair braided for a while  

CookIsland culture

In culture studies i learnt some more about cook island culture. I dressed up in pareu and I rolled play getting off a plane and being greeted Rarotonga. It was fun.   

Jewellery making

 today I made myself a cool bracelet in Jewellery  making. I chose the beads I wanted as well as an Irish bell and letters that spelt out Ireland in the native language. 

Horse Racing

  I had a awesome day at the horse racers it was  alot of fun 


I made a corsage in floristry today what I was using for greenery is basil from the Garden   

Marvellous monday

    In culture studies today I read a te reo book out loud to my group. Then I helped to translate the words into English. 

My Birthday

 Not long ago I had my birthday on Divine Mercy Sunday 11 of April which was a unusual day for me no one sung happy Birthday. But I had a lot of presents what I am happy about is my friends sung Happy Birthday to me at Arohanui.

Bombs away

  Today I helped tacking the crochet wings on the butterfly. Its really starting to look like something.

Making hair Clips

 In Jewellery making I have been making hair clips to put it into my hair they are looking good 

St Patrick Mosiac project

  I started a new project in my mosaics sessions and its coming along nicely.

Garden Art

E  In garden art we have been making recycled paper out of newspaper it was a lot of fun 

Bubble time

 In sensory we have been trying to catch bubbles it was a awesome day 

St Patrick’s day at Arohanui

 Here I am wearing my green how am I looking

Garden Art

In garden art I have painted a pot  I have no idea what will be inside 

Jewellery Making

 In Jewellery making I made a bag accessory looking good